I host a sometimes radio show on Radio Sometimes called Six Degrees of Separation, a musical mind map drawn from fever dreams, little-known path crossings, loop-the-loops, 3am wiki holes, and whatever else I fancy. Listen to the archives here.
In October 2020, I published a collaborative print zine called EX-GIRLFRIEND SWEATER that told the stories of clothing (borrowed, stolen, or otherwise acquired) in relationships that morphed from one thing to another. Remaining copies from our first print run can be found at Sweet Pickle Books on the Lower East Side.
Organized and co-hosted launch of The Unicorn Stickers—a collection of iMessage stickers created by Sunil Abraham, inspired by the medieval Unicorn Tapestries housed at The Cloisters—at Honey’s in Bushwick.
May 2019
In July 2018, I hosted the inaugural meeting of The Nancy Drew Society at (where else?) Lavender Lake in Gowanus, Brooklyn, and wrote a subsequent essay for Girls at Library.
Featuring work by: Grace Ahlbom, Francesca Allen, Marisa Chafetz, Nika De Carlo, Clare Drummond, Maggie Dunlap, Ivan Fucich, Chris Gilbert, Ben Goulder, Eleanor Hardwick, b.jones, Esther Jung, Kelsea Kosko, Krista Anna Lewis, Shriya Samavai, Cheyenne Sophia, and Allyssa Yohana.
Ex Nihilo, Contributor, curated by Amber Scarlett, London, UK July 2014
Shapeshifting, Co-Editor with Eleanor Hardwick, Oxford, UK (first and second editions)
+ Tokyo, Japan (third edition)
May 2014
Featuring work by: Arvida Byström, Becca Thornton, Ben Giles, Beth Siveyer (Girls Get Busy Zine), Cardinal Fang, Celia Edell, Charlotte Sykes, Digby Taylor, Emma Daman Thomas (Islet), Greta Bellamacina, Kamal Rasool (Flamingods), Katie Giritlian, Laura Makabresku: photography & fairy tales., Lauren O'Neill, Lauren Poor, Mike and Claire, Mirren Kessling, Moonbow, Olivia Bee, Petite Meller, Rachel Louise Hodgson, Rosalind Jana, Saga Sig, Shriya Samavai and Tallulah Fontaine.